




Robots in gastronomy: Psychological and financial considerations



International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science Vol. 32, June 2023, 100707

Both the popular press as well as a number of academic researchers have enthusiastically endorsed the possibility/prediction that (service) robots will come to play an increasingly important role in the world of quick service restaurants and/or gastronomy in the years ahead. This development, or so it has been suggested, may potentially help to address the seemingly ubiquitous staffing issues that are proving problematic for many in the hospitality industry nowadays. However, until the costs of installing, running, and maintaining such high-tech devices fall, and until such time as consumer opinion changes, such technology (be it robots for food preparation or else service robots) is unlikely to find a place in the market for fast food never mind in the world of fine dining (gastronomy). While robot bartenders and chefs would currently appear to have a certain novelty and/or experiential value, the financial case for their incorporation into the hospitality setting has yet to be convincingly demonstrated, even once the technical challenges have been addressed. As such, there is little sign that such automation will make its way (either in the front or back of house) into the world of either quick-service restaurants or high-end gastronomic establishments.