
สิ่งแวดล้อม มลภาวะ ของเสีย




Measuring and benchmarking the green industrial performance of countries and economies - the GIP index




This paper discusses the basic concepts of green industrial products and activities that underpin the Green Industrial Performance (GIP) index. It presents the most recent version of the GIP index which allows policymakers and practitioners to analyse and compare countries’ performance in green manufacturing over time. We construct a unique database derived exclusively from international data sources such as UNIDO’s industrial statistics database (INDSTAT) and UN COMTRADE. We use our GIP database to compute the GIP composite index and to rank and analyse the green industrial performance of a set of 112 countries for the period 2000–2017. We find that five industrialized economies—all European, namely Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Czechia and Austria—top the GIP index in 2017. We also find that changes in GIP performance are not very frequent and take time. This paper serves to illustrate the various uses of the GIP index to analyse and compare the green industrial performance of economies in different country groups. We also put forward recommendations for future research and analysis of the green performance of countries’ manufacturing sector.