




Where is chemistry's moon? Highlights from the 1st conference for the Center of the Transformation of Chemistry (CTC) at Ringberg Castle 2023



Green Chemistry Vol. 26, No. 13, 2024, p. 7443-7455

In 2023, the Center for the Transformation of Chemistry (CTC) began a three-year start-up phase, aiming to draft its research program. The CTC-Conference at Ringberg brought scientists together to discuss their research and brainstorm a “moon-shot” program to align efforts, enable rapid discoveries, and move towards a sustainable circular economy.

I. Background

On August 14th, 2020, the “Act for Structural Change in Coal Mining Areas” (StStG) came into force as a measure to structurally aid the regions affected by the coal phase-out in Germany. In order to create new perspectives for the coal regions, a strategic decision was made to “establish one new institutionally funded large-scale research centre in each region in the Saxonian part of Lusatia and the Central German mining region (Mitteldeutsches Revier) on the basis of a competitive procedure”. In January 2021, the joint initiative of the Federal Government, represented by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Free State of Saxony and the State of Saxony-Anhalt (Fig. 1), “Knowledge Creates Perspectives for the Region!” began and around 100 proposals were submitted by the end of April.1 In July 2021, a commission selected the best six proposals and recommended them to be funded for further development into a detailed concept. Starting in November 2021, these six initiatives, including the CTC, worked out their visions for a potential large-scale research centre and conceptualized its integration in and potential effects on the region. In July 2022, the CTC Expert pool defended the concept before a subject-specific Scientific Commission. Then, in August 2022, additional CTC Experts explained the CTC’s vision before a Commission for Transfer and Structural Impact in terms of technology transfer, organizational structures and expected economic impact on the region. The twelve members of this Expert pool contributed their expertise in creating institutions, entrepreneurship, start-ups, investment, innovation and transfer as well as regional development. At the end of September 2022, the CTC was notified that its concept was selected to be implemented. This strategic decision by the selection committee is significant for the green chemistry community as it aligns with efforts to transition away from fossil fuels and invest in sustainable technologies. The CTC has the potential to catalyse innovation and research aimed at developing environmentally friendly solutions, thereby contributing to the advancement of green chemistry practices and new perspectives in the Mitteldeutsches Revier.