




Motivational factors for patenting: A study of the Brazilian researchers profile



World Patent Information Vol. 75, December 2023, 102241

The motivation that leads researchers to engage in patenting and licensing activities is a complex topic that needs to be further investigated, especially in emerging countries. In Brazil, universities stand out as the main patent depositors, being important actors in the country's technological development process. The objective of this study is to present the profile of researchers from Brazilian universities and the motivational factors that lead them to patent the results of their research. Based on a literature review, 27 factors were identified, which were classified according to the nature of motivation and expected results. Data from curricula vitae were collected to verify the researchers' academic and sociodemographic profile. A survey was conducted to measure the importance attributed to different motivational factors. The results show that, in addition to the royalties established in Brazilian legislation, universities need to provide other conditions and incentives to engage more researchers in patenting and licensing activities. Therefore, this study can provide subsidies for the formulation of policies aimed at promoting innovation and technology transfer in Brazilian universities.