




Current perspectives, challenges, and future directions in the electrochemical detection of microplastics



RSC Advances Vol. 14, No. 3, 2024, p. 2134–2158

Microplastics (5 μm) are a developing threat that contaminate every environmental compartment. The detection of these contaminants is undoubtedly an important topic of study because of their high potential to cause harm to ecosystems. For many years, scientists have been assiduously striving to surmount the obstacle of detection restrictions and minimize the likelihood of receiving results that are either false positives or false negatives. This study covers the current state of electrochemical sensing technology as well as its application as a low-cost analytical platform for the detection and characterization of novel contaminants. Examples of detection mechanisms, electrode modification procedures, device configuration, and performance are given to show how successful these approaches are for monitoring microplastics in the environment. Additionally included are the recent developments in nanoimpact techniques. Compared to electrochemical methods for microplastic remediation, the use of electrochemical sensors for microplastic detection has received very little attention. With an overview of microplastic electrochemical sensors, this review emphasizes the promise of existing electrochemical remediation platforms toward sensor design and development. In order to enhance the monitoring of these substances, a critical assessment of the requirements for future research, challenges associated with detection, and opportunities is provided. In addition to—or instead of—the now-in-use laboratory-based analytical equipment, these technologies can be utilized to support extensive research and manage issues pertaining to microplastics in the environment and other matrices.