สิ่งแวดล้อม มลภาวะ ของเสีย
SMWW 3500-Zn
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (543.3 APHA 24th ed. Ref. Treatises&monographs FL2)
Zinc (Zn) is the first element in Group IIB in the periodic table. It has an atomic number of 30, an atomic weight of 65.38, and a valence of 2. The average abundance of Zn in the earth’s crust is 76 ppm; in soils it is 25 to 68 ppm; in streams it is 20 µg/L, and in groundwaters it is <0.1 mg/L. The solubility of zinc is controlled in natural waters by adsorption on mineral surfaces, carbonate equilibrium, and organic complexes. Zinc is used in a number of alloys such as brass and bronze, and in batteries, fungicides, and pigments...