
สิ่งแวดล้อม มลภาวะ ของเสีย




SMWW 1020

Analytical and Data Quality Systems: Quality Assurance



Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (543.3 APHA 24th ed. Ref. Treatises&monographs FL2)

This section is a compilation of quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) procedures or requirements to which Standard Methods sections refer, especially those sections addressing chemical analyses. Radiochemical, toxicity, and microbiological analyses often rely on specific QA and QC requirements presented more completely in Sections 7020, 8020, and 9020, respectively. It is not the intent of this section to supersede specific requirements outlined in the x020 sections of Parts 2000 through 10000, or the specifications of individual methods. Verify the applicable method QC requirements by referring to the method being used, the associated x020 section, and finally this section when not otherwise specified...