
ผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร เครื่องดื่ม อาหารสัตว์





Detection and Confirmed Quantitation of Coliforms and E. coli in Foods: SimPlate Coliform and E. coli Color Indicator

2008 (2023)

Final Action


AOAC 2023 Online Ch. 17.3.04B

The SimPlate Coliform and E. coli Color Indicator (CEc-CI) method is used for detection and confirmed quantitation of total coliform and E. coli populations. The CEc-CI medium and test portion mixture is dispensed into a SimPlate device and incubated for a minimum of 24–28 h. The medium changes color in the presence of total coliforms. E. coli is detected by the presence of a blue fluorescent color change in the medium when examined under ultraviolet (UV) light (366 mm). The total coliform and E. coli counts are determined by counting the wells with changed color and those with fluorescent wells, respectively, referring to the SimPlate Conversion Table (Table 2005.03C).