
ผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร เครื่องดื่ม อาหารสัตว์





Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in Selected Dairy Foods: 3M Petrifilm™ Staph Express Count Plate Method

2003 (2023)

First Action


AOAC 2023 Online Ch. 17.5.09

The Petrifilm Staph Express Count plate is a sample-ready culture medium system which contains a coldwater-soluble gelling agent. The chromogenic, modified Baird-Parker medium in the plate is selective and differential for S. aureus. Diluted test portions are added at a volume of 1.0 mL per plate. The gelling agent is allowed to solidify after inoculation, and the plate is then incubated for 24 ± 2 h at 35 ± 1°C or 37 ± 1°C. Redviolet colonies on the plate are S. aureus. When only red-violet colonies are present, count the colonies; the test is complete ...