
สิ่งแวดล้อม มลภาวะ ของเสีย




SMWW 9610

Detection of Fungi



Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (543.3 APHA 24th ed. Ref. Treatises&monographs FL2)

The kingdom Fungi is composed of diverse eukaryotic and heterotrophic organisms, including filamentous molds and yeasts. Almost all fungi have cell walls composed of rigid, covalently linked polymers, including chitin and glucan, and many fungi produce spores. Most fungi are aerobic, although some are obligate anaerobes and a few are facultative anaerobes. Most are also mesophilic (grow at temperatures between 18 and 25 °C), but some are thermophilic (grow at temperatures from > 20 up to ~50 °C) and some are psychrophilic (grow at temperatures between 0 and 5 °C, up to a maximum of about 16 to 20 °C)...