
สิ่งแวดล้อม มลภาวะ ของเสีย




SMWW 9213

Recreational Waters



Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (543.3 APHA 24th ed. Ref. Treatises&monographs FL2)

Recreational waters are those in which primary contact occurs. Primary contact recreation activities are those that could be expected to result in the ingestion of, or immersion in, water (e.g., swimming, water skiing, and kayaking). There are two general types of recreational waters. The first type includes natural sources of water, such as lakes, streams, and coastal waters, where the water source cannot be disinfected and where these sources are at risk for contamination via point sources, such as sewage and industrial waste, and nonpoint sources, such as streams, storm drains, and animals (e.g., birds and bathers)...