
ผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร เครื่องดื่ม อาหารสัตว์




Canned Foods—Tests for Cause of Spoilage



Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods (576.163 COM 5th ed. Ch. 62 Ref. Treatises&monographs FL2)

Canned foods are considered spoiled when unacceptable changes occur in the product. These can include changes in: pH, texture, color, and/ or production of gas and offodors. These changes can result from microbial outgrowth or from other reactions. The methods discussed in this chapter provide the tools necessary to conduct an investigation to determine the cause of spoilage, with an emphasis placed on microbial outgrowth. A comprehensive investigation is required for an accurate diagnosis of the cause of spoilage. It must include information about the history of the defective product, the structural integrity of the container, the physical and chemical state of the food, as well as other factors that may be related to the presence of viable microorganisms. This information is used along with the microbiological examination to determine the cause of spoilage. Failure to include all the information may lead to an inaccurate diagnosis, which may result in public health and economic implications...