





Standard Specification for Continuous Grain Flow Forged Carbon and Alloy Steel Crankshafts for Medium Speed Diesel Engines



ASTM Vol.01.05 (2023)

This specification deals with continuous grain flow carbon and alloy steel crankshaft forgings intended for medium speed diesel and natural gas engines. The steel used in the manufacture of the forgings is required to be vacuum degassed. Heat treatment, which may be done either before or after rough machining, shall consist of normalizing followed by tempering at a subcritical temperature, or austenitizing, liquid quenching and subcritical tempering. Charpy impact and tensile tests, which shall be performed at a frequency of one test per heat treatment load, shall be used to evaluate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, reduction of area, and Brinell hardness requirements of forgings. Chemical composition requirements shall also be examined by heat analysis. Grain size tests and non-destructive magnetic particle examinations shall be conducted as well. When required by the purchaser, crankshafts may be surface hardened in designated areas for the purposes of enhanced wear resistance and fatigue strength.