
ผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร เครื่องดื่ม อาหารสัตว์





Baking Quality of Cookie Flour



AACC 2021 online

In North America, "cookie" is a product similar to what is internationally known as "biscuit." Cookie quality is determined (in six cookies) by width (W), thickness (T), and W/T ratio (cookie spread factor), with adjustments to constant atmospheric pressure and conditions. The formulation uses 225 g of flour, a mixing bowl and paddle, and a fixed amount of water added to dough. Dextrose is used to aid in developing brown color. This method predicts the general quality of soft wheat flour for production of contemporary cookie and pastry products (except cake and crackers). High quality of pastry flour is usually associated with larger sugar-snap cookie diameter. The method is also useful to evaluate other flour types, various flour treatments, and other factors, such as ingredients, that affect cookie geometry.