





Standard Specification for Alloy Structural Steel Plates



ASTM Vol.01.04 (2022)

This specification deals with alloy structural steel plates. Plate specimens addressed under this specification are available in four treatment conditions (as rolled or hot rolled; annealed; normalized; and normalized and tempered), three structural forms (rectangular; circular and semi-circular; and sketch, including rings), five edge categories (mill edge; universal mill edge; sheared edge; gas cut edge; and special cut edge), and seven finishes (as rolled or hot rolled; blast cleaned; blast cleaned and oiled; pickled; pickled and oiled; painted with one prime coat; and painted with one prime coat and one finish coat). Steel materials shall be manufactured and furnished in defined procedures unless specified otherwise in the purchase order. Heat analysis shall be performed wherein steel specimens shall conform to required chemical compositions of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, and copper. Specimens shall also undergo tensile tests and shall conform to required values of tensile strength.