





Standard Guide for Underground Installation of “Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe



ASTM Vol.08.03 (2022)

This practice establishes procedures for the burial of pressure and nonpressure “fiberglass” (glass-fiber-reinforced thermosetting-resin) pipe in many typically encountered soil conditions. Included are recommendations for trenching, placing pipe, joining pipe, placing and compacting backfill, and monitoring deflection levels. Guidance for installation of fiberglass pipe in subaqueous conditions is not included. Product standards for fiberglass pipe encompass a wide range of product variables. Diameters range from 1 in. to 13 ft (25 mm to 4000 mm) and pipe stiffnesses range from 9 to over 72 psi (60 to 500 kPa) with internal pressure ratings up to several thousand pound force per square inch. This standard does not purport to consider all of the possible combinations of pipe, soil types, and natural ground conditions that may occur. The recommendations in this practice may need to be modified or expanded to meet the needs of some installation conditions. In particular, fiberglass pipe with diameters of a few inches are generally so stiff that they are frequently installed in accordance with different guidelines. Consult with the pipe manufacturer for guidance on which practices are applicable to these particular pipes.
