





Standard Guide for Material Properties Needed in Engineering Design Using Plastics



ASTM Vol.08.03 (2022)

This guide covers the essential material properties needed for designing with plastics. Its purpose is to raise the awareness of the plastics community regarding the specific considerations involved in using the appropriate material properties in design calculations. This guide is intended only as a convenient resource for engineering design. It should be noted that the specific operating conditions (temperature, applied stress or strain, environment, etc. and corresponding duration of such exposures) could vary significantly from one application to another. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the user to perform any pertinent tests under actual conditions of use to determine the suitability of the material in the intended application. The applicable ISO and ASTM standard methods for the relevant material properties are listed in this guide for the benefit of design engineers. It should be noted that for some of the desired properties, no ASTM or ISO standards exist. These include pvT data, no-flow temperature, ejection temperature, and fatigue in tension. In these instances, relying on available test methods is suggested.
