




T 800 cm-16

Drum test for fiberboard shipping containers (revolving hexagonal drum)




This method describes two procedures for testing loaded fiberboard shipping containers by means of a revolving drum tester. Procedure A: to determine the ability of the container to withstand rough handling by subjecting it to a variety of shocks and impact stresses simulating those which may be expected in some handling and shipping cycles, and Procedure B: to determine the relative ability of a package (shipping container and interior packaging material, if any) to provide protection to its contents when subjected to a variety of shocks and impact stresses simulating some handling and shipping conditions. The procedures described in this method are for a 2.13-m (7-ft) (internal dimensions at intersection of faces) revolving hexagonal drum and may be used to test containers whose gross weight does not exceed 113 kg (250 lb), and whose maximum dimension does not exceed 510 mm (20 in.). This drum is unsuitable for containers exceeding the above size or for shapes that do not move and fall freely when the drum is rotated. Also in use is a 4.27-m (14-ft) diameter drum, described in ASTM D 782. It is rarely used for containers whose greatest dimension is less than 510 mm (20 in.). It is used for testing containers whose weight does not exceed 272 kg (600 lb) and whose greatest dimension does not exceed 1020 mm (40 in.).