





Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials



ASTM Vol.08.02 (2022)

This specification covers the identification of polyethylene plastic pipe and fittings materials in accordance with a cell classification system. It is not the function of this specification to provide specific engineering data for design purposes, to specify manufacturing tolerances, or to determine suitability for use for a specific application. Some plastic pipe and fitting PE compounds classified by this standard are sold as a base material and then combined with other material(s) (for example, color or additive concentrate) by the pipe or fitting manufacturer into a final classified compound either prior to or during production of the final article. This standard, excluding the requirements of Table 1, properties 5 and 6, and 6.1.1, can be used for property verification of the incoming base material(s) in accordance with 8.1 In the case of PE compounds sold as the compound classified by the standard, see 8.1 regarding property verification of the incoming classified compound. Compounds with a cell classification value other than ‘0’ for the Hydrostatic Strength Classification (property 6) rely on a defined formulation. The composition of the defined formulation can be obtained from the owner of the formulation. NOTE 1: Deviations from the defined formulation may affect the Hydrostatic Strength Classification.
