





Standard Practice for Weathering and Evaluation of Laminated Glass



ASTM Vol.15.02 (2022)

Tests conducted in accordance with this practice are used to evaluate the stability of laminated glazing materials when they are exposed outdoors or used indoors. The relative durability of glazing in outdoor use can be very different depending on the location of the exposure because of differences in ultraviolet (UV) radiation, time of wetness, temperature, pollutants, and other factors. It cannot be assumed, therefore, that results from one exposure in a single location will be useful for determining relative durability in a different location. When comparing exposure results, at a minimum, the locations of exposure are to be as similar as possible with regard to critical factors such as the amount and rate of solar radiation deposited on the specimens, temperature and humidity levels during exposure. Exposures in several locations with different climates that represent a broad range of anticipated service conditions may be necessary.
