





Standard Guide for Choosing a Method for Determining the Index of Refraction and Dispersion of Glass



ASTM Vol.15.02 (2022)

Measurement—The refractive index at any wavelength of a piece of homogeneous glass is a function, primarily, of its composition, and secondarily, of its state of annealing. The index of a glass can be altered over a range of up to 1×10-4 (that is, 1 in the fourth decimal place) by the changing of an annealing schedule. This is a critical consideration for optical glasses, that is, glasses intended for use in high performance optical instruments where the required value of an index can be as exact as 1×10-6. Compensation for minor variations of composition are made by controlled rates of annealing for such optical glasses; therefore, the ability to measure index to six decimal places can be a necessity; however, for most commercial and experimental glasses, standard annealing schedules appropriate to each are used to limit internal stress and less rigorous methods of test for refractive index are usually adequate. The refractive indices of glass ophthalmic lens pressings are held to 5×10-4 because the tools used for generating the figures of ophthalmic lenses are made to produce curvatures that are related to specific indices of refraction of the lens materials.
