Ca 5e-13
Butyric Acid, Capillary Column GLC Method
665.0288 AOCS 7th ed. 2017-2019 rev. Ref.
The butyric acid content of milkfat, butterfat, or mixtures of fats containing milkfat and butter-fat is the quantity, expressed as a percentage by weight, of butyric acid determined in the sample by the following method. Saponification of the fat with potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution is followed by acidification with phos-phoric acid to liberate the fatty acids. Water-soluble fatty acids are separated by filtration and direct determination of butyric acid is carried out by gas-liquid chromatography in the presence of an internal standard. This method is applicable to the determination of the butyric acid content of milkfat or butterfat, or mixtures of fats containing milkfat or butterfat.