




JIS K 7112:1999

Plastics -- Methods of determining the density and relative density of non-cellular plastics




This Standard specifies four methods for the determination of the density and relative density of non-cellular plastics in the form of sheet, film, tube, moulded objects, and moulding powders, granules and pellets. - Method A Immersion method for plastics in a finished condition, whether machined or otherwise formed, but not powders. - Method B Pyknometer method for plastics in the form of powder, granules, pellets, flake, moulded articles reduced to small particles or liquid material. Determination of density for liquid material is in accordance with annex 2. Method C Titration method for plastics in forms similar to those required for method A, including pellets. - Method D Density gradient column method for plastics in forms similar to those required for method A, and including pellets. Density gradient columns are columns of liquid, the densities of which increase uniformly from top to bottom. They are particularly suited to measurement of small samples of products and to compartison of densities.