




JIS K 7042:1998

Plastics piping systems -- Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings -- Test methods to prove the design of cemented or wrapped rigid joints




This standard specifies methods of test for cemented or wrapped rigid joints for plastics piping systems of glass-reinforced thermosetting (GRP) intended to be used for buried and above ground pipelines. This standard is only applicable to the joint and covers methods of test to prove its design. It assumes that the joint either is or is not intended to be subject to the effects of hydrostatic end thrust. The tests detailed in 7. 1 to 7.7 inclusive are applicable to rigid cemented or wrapped joints intended to be used in buried or above ground applications. The bending test detailed in 7.6 can be used to prove the design where joints are either intended to be used in buried applications where the soils are known to have very poor properties or are intended to be used in particular above ground situations where the tests may be considered appropriate. The tests detailed in 7.6 are applicable to joints for pipes and fittings up to and including DN 600. With the exception of clause 7.6 these test procedures are applicable to joints for pipes and fittings of all nominal sizes. The tests are applicable for evaluating joints intended for applications conveying liquids at temperatures specified in the referring specifications (see clause 3).