





Standard Guide for Analytical Laboratory Operations Supporting the Cannabis/Hemp Industry



ASTM Vol.15.10 (2022)

This guide provides recommendations for a laboratory licensed or otherwise designated to provide analytical support within the cannabis/hemp industry. Within the scope of this guide, the term cannabis/hemp is inclusive of hemp plants and derived products. This guide presents best laboratory practices, recommended certifications, recommended types of analyses typically required in the cannabis/hemp industry, and recommended quality functions associated with laboratories supporting the cannabis/hemp industry. These recommendations establish a basis for oversight for the analytical testing of cannabis/hemp products. This guide was developed as a complement to existing best practices and, in supporting conformance to current good manufacturing practices (GMP), which are typically required regulatory practices relevant to the cannabis/hemp industries; these recommendations focus on the personnel, security, sample handling and disposal, quality support, data management and reporting activities. This guide generally describes the properties of cannabis/hemp, and cannabis/hemp/cannabis-hemp-derived products to be analyzed.
