
สิ่งแวดล้อม มลภาวะ ของเสีย




IWA 42:2022

Net zero guidelines




This document provides guiding principles and recommendations to enable a common, global approach to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions through alignment of voluntary initiatives and adoption of standards, policies and national and international regulation. This document provides guidance on what governance organizations and other organizations can do to effectively contribute to global efforts to limit warming to 1,5 °C by achieving net zero no later than 2050. It provides guidance on a common and equitable contribution and recognizes the capability of individual organizations in contributing to achieving global net zero. This document, when used in combination with applicable science-based pathways, provides guidance for organizations seeking to set robust climate strategies. This document provides common terms and definitions, guidance and specific recommendations on:
— net zero guiding principles for all organizations;
— incorporating net zero into strategies and policies;
— what net zero means at different levels and for different types of organization;
— setting and aligning interim and long-term targets based on equity, latest scientific knowledge, evidence, research and agreed good practice;
— actions to take to achieve these targets;
— greenhouse gas emission reductions within the value chain;
— nature protection and restoration;
— avoided emissions and other climate contributions beyond the value chain;
— removals;
— offsets;
— credits;
— claims;
— monitoring, measuring and use of appropriate and consistent indicators;
— equity, empowerment, fair share and wider impact;
— transparent reporting and effective communication. ....