




Utilization of palm fiber as papermaking materials: Microscopic structure and chemical pulping



TAPPI Journal 21 (10) Oct 2022, p. 543-551

The microscopic structure and pulping properties of palm fiber were explored. Soda cooking and sulfate cooking were conducted and compared in terms of physical strength of the obtained pulps. Sulfate pulp showed better performance than soda pulp, as indicated by the 23% higher tensile index, 49% higher tear index, and 36% higher burst index. To further elevate physical strength, long fibered pulp (LFP), namely commercial softwood sulfate pulp, was mixed with sulfate pulp of palm fiber at levels from 20% to 50%. At the blend level of 50%, tensile index of 52.13 Nœm/g, tear index of 15.63 mNœm2/g, and burst index of 3.42 kPaœm2/g were attained. The lignin in spent liquor from pulping was isolated and characterized. Soda lignin of palm fiber was mainly composed of guaiacyl and syringyl units, and showed weight-average molecular weight of 3616 g/mol.

Application: We explored the properties of soda pulp and sulfate pulp of palm fiber. Comparison was made with hardwood and softwood pulp in terms of fiber length and physical strength. The reported results suggested the feasibility of palm fiber for papermaking.