
วัสดุอุปกรณ์การแพทย์ เวชภัณฑ์





Health Care Facilities



2023 ASHRAE Handbook -- HVAC Applications Chapter 9

Continual advances in patient and resident care, medicine, and technology require health care facilities to constantly re-evaluate their HVAC needs. Ventilation and air conditioning can affect certain patient and staff outcomes, and good air quality helps protect occupants against harmful exposures. However, there is limited research that quantifies or describes the methods or causes of these effects (Lautzet al. 2019). There are significant requirements for clean, conditioned air for inpatient health care facilities, resulting in high energy use and operating cost compared to other types of buildings. The challenge is establishing the balance between patient outcomes, safety, and facility construction and operating costs. This demands knowledge and understanding of the unique needs and requirements of these type of facilities and a command of HVAC fundamentals and applications. Health care institutions and organizations are increasingly diversifying how they deliver health and wellness services. Integrated regional health care organizations are becoming the model for medical-care delivery as outpatient facilities take on more advanced care and increasingly serve as the entryway to the acute care hospital. As health care delivery models evolve and real estate and facility needs change, HVAC design practices, codes, and standards need to keep pace, while maintaining the high standard for the indoor environment.