Sulfites: safety concern for high consumers, but data lacking

24 พ.ย. 65

Dietary intakes of sulfites could be a safety concern for high consumers of foodstuffs that contain the additives, EFSA’s experts concluded in their updated assessment of sulfur dioxide (E220) and sulfites (E221-228). Gaps in toxicity data meant the extent of certain adverse health effects could not be confirmed.

Sulfite occurs naturally in our bodies as well as in foods such as apples, rice, onions and cabbage, and beverages such as wine. Sulfites are added as preservatives and antioxidants (for example, to prevent browning) to a range of foodstuffs including dried fruit and vegetables, potato-based products, beer and malt beverages, wine, and fruit juices. They may also be used to halt on-going fermentation during the winemaking process.  .....


