Study finds yuck factor counteracts sustainable laundry habits

13 มิ.ย. 67

Most people today would lean towards environmentally-friendly life choices, but not at the expense of being clean. When it comes to our washing habits, the fear of being perceived as dirty often wins out over the desire to act in an environmentally friendly way. And the more inclined we are to feel disgusted, the more we wash our clothes. This is shown by a unique study from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, that examines the driving forces behind our laundering behaviors and provides new tools for how people's environmental impact can be reduced. An article on the study, "Pro-environmental behavior is undermined by disgust sensitivity: the case of excessive laundering," is published in the journal PLOS ONE. Today, we wash our clothes more than ever before, and the emissions from laundering have never been higher. Some of the reasons are that we use each garment fewer times before throwing them in the laundry bin, technological advances have made it easier and cheaper to do laundry, and access to washing machines has increased. .....
