To prevent outages, EU scientists want electric vehicles and the grid to talk

1 มิ.ย. 66

EU scientists are exploring how electric cars and smart grids across Europe can better communicate, in a bid to prevent power outages caused by millions of vehicles charging simultaneously.
While Europe’s electricity grid is currently stable and can easily withstand variations of around 20% in either direction, the predicted growth of electric mobility poses a potential challenge. Once electric cars become dominant on Europe’s streets, the possibility of peaks in charging demand becomes a more serious threat, explained an electromobility researcher working for the EU’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), the research and development arm of the European Commission. “We could have a situation where millions of people say at exactly six pm: ‘I’m home, let’s charge’. And then you get these momentaneous, absolutely dramatic power demand peaks,” the researcher told EURACTIV. Due to the sensitive nature of their work, JRC researchers are required to speak to the press anonymously. While some 3.1 million electric cars are currently on roads across the bloc, a small fraction of the almost 250 million vehicle fleet, the issue is expected to become noticeable once EVs are in the majority. “Then the charging infrastructure also has to talk. It is absolutely key,” warned the electromobility researcher, tasked with providing the scientific underpinning for EU policy. ....
