Analyzing NIAS in harmonized and non-harmonized FCMs

3 พ.ค. 66

International Life Sciences Institute Europe publishes document on analytical methods and challenges in identifying non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); focus on non-harmonized food contact materials (FCMs) including silicones, inks, adhesives; discusses strengths and limitations of various methods; includes proposal on communication along the supply chain

On April 5, 2023, the International Life Sciences Institute Europe (ILSI) published a report giving a summary of methods for analyzing non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) across various food contact materials (FCMs). The publication is part of the ongoing efforts by ILSI’s Packaging Materials Task Force to provide research on FCMs and follows up on an article published on January 26, 2022 (FPF reported). The document presents a comprehensive overview of, and insights into analyzing NIAS, examining different FCMs, and highlighting the unique requirements for analyzing migrants whether intentionally or non-intentionally added. The overview discusses analytical methods available for detecting NIAS, along with their strengths and limitations....
